New Hampshire: 1746.5-1907.4


Spoiler alert:  we’re writing this from Rangeley, Maine.  We wanted to wait until we crossed the state line to make this post….and then cell service disappeared for 60 miles….

Sufficed to say, the White Mountains of New Hampshire delivered in terms of beauty and difficulty.  We climbed up above tree line for the first time since the Smoky Mtns, and our daily mileage plummeted from easy 15-18 mile days to tough 10-12 mile days.  Luckily, the weather held and we got some amazing views.  The Whites are dotted with “huts” managed by the Appalachian Mtn Club (AMC).  Paying visitors sleep in bunks and are fed meals; thru-hikers can sometimes “work for stay” or pay $15 to sleep on the floor.  Otherwise, tent spots were rare amongst the rocks.  Sometimes we felt like second-class citizens amongst the day-hikers and weekenders.  Sometimes we felt like we were on top of the enchanted, magical world.  Sometimes our knees just hurt.

The tough conditions coupled with the fatigue of 1800-1900 miles meant we started to “feel it.”  Some friends sustained injuries.  Some wrestled with a “so close and yet so far” mentality that made “The End”seem forever away.  Even The Mighty Mya had a long hard day negotiating the Presidential Traverse (8 miles above treeline on a hot, humid day) so we took a day off by a river to let us all rest.  And then kept climbing up and over ridges the next day. 

But the allure of Maine.  The promise of Katahdin!  As we passed through the Wildcats, up and over the Carters; our final goal came into focus.  State 14/14.  The final stretch on the horizon: the final 280 miles.  Maine!  We’re coming for you…..

Bill Ackerley (aka the Ice Cream Man) lives near the Trail in Lyme, NH. He gives away ice cream, hugs, and wisdom.


Awaiting a thrower

First 4000 footer in the Whites


North Woodstock: She arrived with snacks, brought us out to lunch, and schlepped us around to do errands: Thanks Aunt D!!

The beginning of a beautiful day above treeline: hiking across Franconia Ridge


Mya coming down the ridge


enjoying the view from Mount Lincoln


Franconia Ridge pano


the only “tree” above treeline


Laces climbing Mount Lafayette

Due to recent rain, the way down from the ridge was soggy. Here’s Mya taking a break from the wet climb down .

oh! thats why its wet…. they built the trail on a waterfall


We ran into a trail crew building brand spanking new ladders. They sure help these wet descents




even Myas get trail magic


The best hitchhike ever brought us swimming at The Gorge, his favorite childhood swimming hole.

M&M taking in the view

Mount Washington sunrise panorama



sunset at Lakes of the Clouds hut

The lovely Lakes of the Clouds hut. Paying customers sleep in bunks upstairs. Stinky thru-hikers sometimes get space in ‘the Dungeon’ downstairs.

luckily we had lovely weather

the Washington mob: zen, pie, cheese beard, laces, blade, clover & m, click, clarity, huckleberry thug and rusty


view of the northern Presidential range from Mount Washington summit deck


The Cog train making its first morning run up Mt Washington.


looking back at Washington as we decend off the ridge


Mya likes to watch and make sure Clover makes it up safely

Carter Notch



and into Maine we go!!


4 Responses to “ New Hampshire: 1746.5-1907.4 ”

  1. Wow! How exciting to follow the last stage of your amazing adventure! Love the videos and that strong little mya jumping large rocks with a single slo mo bound! You are in our thoughts and hearts. Jane

  2. Way to go! You must be thrilled to be in Maine! we are wishing you the best! Love deb & tom

  3. Hi from Keith and Linda! Way to go, can’t believe you’re in Maine! The Cape misses you.

  4. Hi Su and Mike,
    Beautiful Pictures. You’re almost to the end of completing your incredible journey. Yea!!! Hope you had a nice time with Aunt Steph and Uncle Don. Enjoy Baxter State Forest. Mt. Katahdin here you come!
    Love, Aunt Judy

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